Thursday, January 26, 2012

Seattle got snow!

The rarity of snow in Seattle is why I get giddy when I look out my kitchen window and see a scene like this:

The only thing better than watching it fall is bundling up and walking around in it...

and playing in it...

and laying in it...

and tasting it...

and marvelling at branches encased in ice...

and getting pulled on sleds...

to the nearest hill...

where we meet up with neighbors...

and build snowramps...


 and fly through the air...

 (that's me)

and build snowmen.

And the only thing better than all that is this...


and some hot chocolate by the fireplace.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Out and About in 2012

Oh I had such good intentions when I started this blog. I imagined documenting every single Seattle outing our family took, providing pictures and witty informative commentary, becoming a go-to blog for Seattle families and tourists, getting sponsors and press and then getting FAMOUS and RICH! But then I forgot about all that and spent my time doing other things. I do wish I had documented our excursions more though, if only for my own ease in reminiscing. The digital pictures trapped in files on our computer just don't compare to a blog post where I show the best ones and write a few memories and observations.

I'm not giving up though. There's too much we still need to see. I might even share some of these sights with you.

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